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Clerk – Tax Collector

Office Address

Town Hall
3833 West Main Street Road
Batavia, NY 14020

Phone: 585-343-1729, Option 2
Fax: 585-343-8461

Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday: CLOSED
Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Click Here to Register to Vote View Licenses, Taxes, and Permits Frequently Asked Questions

Clerks Office Staff

Services Provided

The Office of Town Clerk is the central processing center for record keeping and administrative duties for the Town. Every Town is required to have a Town Clerk (Town Law, §20). Some of the more noticeable duties include issuance of licenses, permits and vital statistic records. The Clerk serves as the recording secretary during Town Board Meetings and is responsible for the proper filings to NYS.

The Batavia Town Clerk also serves as Tax Collector for the Town/County Taxes.

Freedom of Information Law

The Freedom of Information Law provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies that affect the lives of every New Yorker. However an agency does not have to create a new document in order to provide the individual the requested information.

A Records Access application is filled out by the individual requesting the information. If possible you should supply dates, titles, file designations, or any other information that will help find the requested records.

Within 5 business days of the receipt of written request for a record reasonable described, the agency must make the record available, deny access in writing giving the reasons for denial, or furnish the written acknowledgement of receipt of the request and a statement of the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied.

Copies – $0.25 per page. If electronically available, documents may be emailed at no cost.

A fee for copy of other records may be charged based upon the actual cost of reproduction.

Requesting and Obtaining Records via Email

The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) (NYS Public Officers Law, Sec. 87, Article 6) assures the public’s right to obtain government documents and records. FOIL requests must be in writing and must contain the date, a clear description of the information being requested, the requestor’s name and mailing address, and the number of copies requested.

Marriage License

Please call the office to schedule an appointment to obtain a marriage license. Documents needed will be:

Marriage Worksheet

Drivers License

Birth Certificate

Social Security Card

If previously married bring certified divorce papers

*Please see forms for Marriage Worksheet*

Get a PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST fill-in form in PDF (Note: This form must be downloaded first as changes made to a form in the portal cannot be saved)

FOIL requests may be e-mailed or USPS mail or hand-delivered to:

Town of Batavia
Town Clerk
3833 West Main Street Road
Batavia, New York 14020

Town Clerk – Documents + Forms

Fillable PDF Forms should be downloaded first as changes made to a form in the portal below cannot be saved